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First Responders, Cancer Patients or Veterans

The number of veterans using complementary and alternative medicine has increased dramatically in the past decade. Support from the Department of VA has helped increase access to these treatments that help veterans manage life after combat. Acupuncture, massage, life coaching, yoga and mindfulness practices give veterans coping tools that allow them to focus on the present. Whereas traditional psychotherapy can require re-living past experiences and therefore many veterans avoid or drop out (about 20%) of these programs. Alternate therapy programs have a dropout rate of almost zero.

Through the VA, complementary and alternative medicine therapies are most commonly used to treat anxiety, PTSD, pain, and to help manage stress. Recently the Pentagon has been investigating the benefits of acupuncture on patients with PTSD and have found rapid and significant relief of symptoms (pain, depression, anxiety, panic).
Reiki benefits the military population and people that have PTSD because it elicits what we call the relaxation response. People that have experienced trauma and/or are anxious have difficulty reaching this healing state on their own. The relaxation response is a state of peace that can allow the body/mind to let go and reset itself and healing can begin. The core treatment option of Reiki is growing in its consideration for military medicine as a treatment for PTSD. Reiki, like so many therapy options, could be considered core treatment for PTSD because of its holistic approach to combat symptoms of PTSD.

Mindfulness means noticing and paying attention to what is going on in the present moment, without passing judgment. Mindfulness has been shown to be effective in reducing stress, improving emotional balance, increasing self-awareness, helping with anxiety as well as depression and coping more effectively with chronic pain.
Awaken Your Health Naturally is a veteran and first responders friendly business. Offering Reiki and Mindfulness services and classes. A 20% discount is offered to active military, veterans and first responders.
(excerpts taken from Four Pillars and Hope for the Warriors)

Cancer, Fibromyalgia & Other Autoimmune Issues

Many of us know family or friends that are dealing with cancer, fibromyalgia and other immune order deficiencies and we have become aware of the devastating effects and the toll it takes on bodies. As more of the Cancer Treatment Centers and Hospitals are looking for better ways to help patients deal with these issues cancer and side effects, Reiki is truly making a difference.

In the shortest way possible to explain what Reiki is, it is just one form of healing energy. Reiki is not connected with any religion or religious practice nor it is based on any type of belief or suggestion. Reiki is a subtle and effective form of energy work used to facilitate healing on all levels, physical, emotional and mental. Reiki helps to restore balance within the body. Reiki in non-invasive and there are no side effect or complications no matter what state a cancer patient finds themselves in.

Reiki is very effective in helping with pain, anxiety and stress levels while helping patients cope better overall with symptoms and side effects by promoting relaxation, increasing comfort levels, reducing pain and providing a sense of overall mental and physical balance.

Patients support the effectiveness of Reiki by stating it improves their sense of well-being, helps them feel less nausea and it helps to reduce vomiting after they receive a Reiki session. As taken from this article from ‘Gateway for Cancer Research’, it stated: “adults receiving Reiki at a university hospital cancer infusion center reported much to great improvement for:

• Relaxation (89%)
• Anxiety and worry (75%)
• Improved attitude (75%)
• Improved mood (81%)
• Improved sleep (43%)
• Reduced pain (45%)
• Reduced isolation and loneliness (38%)
• Improved mood (30%)

For other immune issues, researchers concluded: “Reiki results in a broad range of symptomatic benefits, including improvements in common cancer-related symptoms.” A separate study similarly found that cancer patients who received their first Reiki session reported a more than 50% decrease in:

• Distress
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Pain

The study that evaluated the effects of Reiki on patients attending a day oncology unit found the sessions were helpful in improving well-being, relaxation, pain relief, sleep quality and reducing anxiety. Considering that virtually no side effects are 
reported following Reiki, there’s good reason to try this natural healing technique if you’re currently undergoing cancer treatment. In fact, there’s a good chance it may be offered at your medical center, as Reiki is currently offered in more than 800 U.S. hospitals”.

As Reiki becomes more mainstream, it is now being utilized in Palliative Care and Hospice Centers and many health care professionals now accept Reiki as a complementary therapy. I will leave you with the fact that while Reiki is not able to cure, it can help you cope better with your symptoms and side effects. You can take an active part in your healing journey by adding an alternative therapy such as Reiki. When you change and shift the energy balance within your body, it helps your entire body be in more harmony and helps to open and clear blocked energy.

Whatever you are going through, each session is custom created to address your specific needs often with a free meditation.



Disclaimer: As always …. NEVER DISREGARD PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE OR DELAY SEEKING MEDICAL ATTENTION/TREATMENT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING YOU HAVE READ ON OR ACCESSED THROUGH THIS OFFICE, WESITE, PAGE, GROUP tweet, etc. Do not start or stop taking any medications without speaking to your own Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider. Always check with your doctor if you are considering taking any supplements or herbs, as they may interact negatively with certain medications. If you have or suspect that you have a medical or mental health problem, contact your own Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider immediately.

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