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Thank you for visiting.

My name is Elaine DeJoy and I am passionate about energy healing, holistic

alternatives and helping people feel better - naturally.


         You may be thinking, why do you do this and why should I 

         choose you, Craniosacral, Reiki, or natural therapies?

After watching a loved one deal with a life-threatening battle, experiencing 

first hand an emotional rollercoaster ride, sleepless nights, feeling like I

was not getting answers or a run around, watching families deal with turmoil

over their own personal situations in an ICU environment... I just knew then

and there that it was time to bring what I had spent a long time learning to you.

Not only did I know know about holistic therapies and the benefits, but I saw in an ICU

environment what it did for my loved one. I have also seen the benefits of Craniosacral

and Reiki Therapy for family, friends, clients and yes ... pets. 

Holistic Alternatives view the body as a whole system, physical, emotional, mental & spiritual health that

all contribute to your health. Holistic Alternatives partner with traditional therapies to optimize health outcomes,

empowering you to actively participate in your health and well-being.

Some may still view Holistic Alternatives/therapy as a 'buzz word or woo-woo' but it has been around for centuries and has made its way back into the mainstream.  All larger health care centers now incorporate some form of Holistic Alternatives.

Maybe you are on my site because you are looking for something, anything to help you feel better... maybe it's time for holistic healing to help with your healing journey. Please take a look around, I am sure there is something to help you feel better ... naturally. 

Store owner Elaine

Download and review the Integrative Advocay Presentation!

Meet Practitioner

Check out some videos

Why Patients Come to Me
Real Patient Comments
Elaine's Holistic Energy Office Space
certified energy healer

Certified Craniosacral Therapist

Certified Energy Healer


Certified Karuna Reiki Master - (Certified Teacher)

Certified Chakra Balancing and Meridian Clearing


Certified Mindfulness Practitioner Coach


Sound Therapy with Crystal Singing Bowls

Headache & Pain Relief

Hot Stone Foot Massage

Reiki/CranioSacral Therapy Healer for Pets

Classes & Events


Ready to get help? Contact me!

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